Q: Why are clean teeth such a vital element of a healthy pregnancy?
Best Naperville Dentist: Excellent oral care during a pregnancy will benefit an expectant mother as well as her unborn child.
Q: What are the effects of pregnancy on oral health?
Best Naperville Dentist: There are several. To begin, the effects of pregnancy such as weight gain and hormones can create dramatic changes in a woman’s body.
Q: Is the mouth a severe risk area?
Best Naperville Dentist: Certainly, as the mouth is a part of the body that may suffer considerably without the proper treatment.
Q: When do the teeth of a forming baby develop?
Best Naperville Dentist: That is such an interesting question! The American Dental Association has found that the baby’s teeth start to develop anytime between the third and sixth month of the mother’s pregnancy.
Q: So what exactly does this mean for an expectant mother’s oral hygiene?
Best Naperville Dentist: It’s extremely important for her to floss, brush twice daily and maintain a nutritious diet so that the baby may have the same level of oral health.
Q: What can happen if oral health is neglected during this critical time?
Best Naperville Dentist: Oral complications might occur as a result of heightened hormone levels.
Q: Can you explain what oral complications are most likely to occur?
Best Naperville Dentist: Gingivitis is a quite common occurrence throughout most of a pregnancy. What many women do not realize is that this disease can be attributed to an increase in progesterone.
Q: Are there other diseases that might be cause for concern?
Best Naperville Dentist: Yes, pregnancy tumors have a tendency of appearing as well.
Q: Why are pregnancy tumors so prevalent?
Best Naperville Dentist: They can be due to an overgrowth in the tender gum tissues. The areas between the teeth are at particular risk.
Q: What’s the cause of these tumors?
Best Naperville Dentist: These small tumors are directly related to extra plaque.
Q: How are these tumors treated?
Best Naperville Dentist: After the birth, typically. They are surgically removed after the baby is born.
Q: Is surgery the only option?
Best Naperville Dentist: If a woman remains diligent about oral hygiene, this surgery can be prevented.
Q: How often should an expectant mother receive cleanings from her dentist?
Best Naperville Dentist: Frequent cleaning should be scheduled beginning in the second trimester, or at the very latest in the early part of the third semester.
Q: Can pregnant women somehow eliminate any potential diseases to their teeth or gums?
Best Naperville Dentist: Certainly! Pregnant women will alleviate the risk of gum disease and gingivitis by engaging in regular appointments with their dentist.
With offices located in one of Chicago’s western suburbs, best Naperville dentist Dr. Chiann Gibson offers a number of dental programs depending on an individual’s specific needs.